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function each


function each<T>(stream: Stream<T, unknown>): Operation<Iterable<T>>

Consume an effection stream using a simple for-of loop.

Given any stream, you can access its values sequentially using the each() operation just as you would use for await of loop with an async iterable:

function* logvalues(stream) {
  for (let value of yield* each(stream)) {
    yield* each.next()

You must always invoke each.next at the end of each iteration of the loop, including if the interation ends with a continue statement.

Note that just as with async iterators, there is no way to consume the TClose value of a stream using the for-each loop.

Type Parameters


  • the type of each value in the stream.


stream: https://effection-www-s5a0jkwj0z5x.deno.dev/api/v3/Stream&lt;T, unknown>

  • the stream to iterate

Return Type


an operation to iterate stream

namespace each

Additional properties on the each function.


v each.next

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